Sunday, December 4, 2011

Although I am not confident enough to think that anyone who knows this guy would read my blog, I am going to change his name. I tossed back and forth if I should even write about this- but then I realized it is SO unbelievable that this would happen, people would think I made it up anyway. But it is gossip. Blog gossip. Blossip. Not that it is not true, but I am going to make fun of him. So here goes:
I was speaking at a mission somewhere in the United States.
The night before I was leaving for said speaking engagement, the PR missionary calls me. He tells me that there is this FAMOUS LDS recording artist that also happens to be in town, and would I be offended if they asked him to sing a few songs. Offended? of course not. In fact I am SUPER EXCITED! (yes, I actually say things like that) Then I asked who it was. This is where I change his name.
"It's Daffy Duck"
"" (I have never heard of this person, so I am not sure what to say.)
They just wanted to give me a heads up and get my feelings on it. I have no feelings other than great! Music is a great way to invite the spirit. How cool is this going to be?
Fast forward to me being there setting up:
Daffy walks in the room. I dont recongnize him. However he is the only other casualy dressed person carrying sound equpiment so I figure it him. I walk over to meet him. I am excited! I love making new connections, meeting new people. I love that he is willing to share his talent, I am really looking forward to hearing him. Here is our convo:
"Hi. I am Shantel Gardner." I extend my hand. He does not take it.
"Ya. how long are you going to take?"
"I usually take one hour. I was told you are going to sing tonight?"
"We'll see"
I am desperate to start a decent conversation, so I say. "....I am such a dork, I forgot your first name..."
"Yes. Yes. I'm Daffy Duck." Followed by the smoulder. You know the Flynn Rider smolder from Tangled. Seriously.
" think we may know some of the same people, we have not met yet- so this..." (I was going to finish with 'this is a great opportunity for me.') He cuts me off-
"Ya? *snicker* Who are YOU?" Then he walks off.
I just stand there. Did that really just happen? He comes back in to the room with the PR missionary. They are talking about the program for the evening. He doesnt like when they have him singing. "I dont sing over dinner." he says. "I have to draw the line somewhere. Someone with a voice like mine, does not stoop." HE. ACTUALLY. SAID. THAT.
I joined the conversation by offering to speak during dinner, and Daffy could have my time. I don't mind. It is the spirit that speaks anyway. Then a great big bear of a senior missionary comes in and puts his arm around Daffy and says, "Come with me, I need to talk to you."
That was the last I saw of Daffy until dinner. He did the opening song.
I hope I can always love what I do, for the right reasons. I hope I can always love being a team player. I hope I can always find joys in seeing others succeed. I hope I can always just love to serve. If I don't. I hope someone will kick my bottom, and make me sing over dinner.

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